About Me

Thank you for stopping by! My name is TaLisa! (Pronounced Ta-Lee-Suh)
I am a wife and a mommy to three beautiful children! My passions include fitness, food, family, and anything that spreads love and happiness to others!
My love for cooking homemade meals came to me upon being introduced to my mother in law. I enjoyed the meals she cooked for us each time we came over, and wanted to be able to share the traditional foods of their culture with my children, as well as make them for my husband for years to come. In having the desire to learn how to make each dish, I realized that I genuinely enjoy making any home-cooked meal!
Originally I created this space as a way to keep all of my favorite recipes for easy access. Sharing is caring though, and I've since learned that food has the power to bring people together and bring joy to people's heart. I not only enjoy making really good sweets and delicious savory dinners at home, but it is something I am happy to share with my family and friends.
All of that said, you will find all kinds of things on my blog. You will see traditional Russian foods, the occasional dessert, and basic dinner ideas! I hope that it is a place that you enjoy, and can come back to time and time again!
TaLisa Agayev