Just a quick little snack that you can make with the seeds from your squash, pumpkin, etc. I'm not good at food waste, and I hate to see it happen. So you will find me taking advantage of all the food scrap tricks and tips. (Like making vegetable broth for soups out of onion, carrot, and celery scraps that have been saved and frozen!) This super simple seed snack is probably one of our favorites though! And it seriously takes NO effort. So even if it sounds sketchy to you, I urge you to try it at least once!

The seeds from your gourd.
E.V.O.Oil for drizzle
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 F. Clean the seeds from your gourd and get all of the guts removed and tossed. Rinse them in a collander and shake out any access water. Spread them on a baking pan and lightly drizzle them with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Sprinkling them with salt lightly, and pepper (optional) to taste, stick them in the oven for 35-40 minutes until they are golden brown. Pull them out, stick them in a dish! If you put a lid on the dish to store them, or put them in a baggie, make sure they are fully cooled or they might get soggy from the steam. I personally prefer them fresh out of the oven and cooled though! ENJOY!